I’m catching up on all of the events I didn’t post about from 2019 and 2020 so I can start fresh with 2021! Check back to see what we’ve been up to!

In September of 2019 we went to a schooling show with our friends at TeamJ Evening and Dressage, including our besties Firefly and Michelle, at the Woodside Horse Park. It was the first time we’d been out as a big group and it was so fun! Jeanette has the best team around her (if I do say so myself😉).

As I recall Bow was pretty chill about the whole thing. I’m not a fan of warming up forever, perhaps because of my hunter/jumper background where I didn’t want to wear out (or sour) my horse (or myself) with a prolonged warm-up because we have a lot to do that day. Looking back I definitely think he was calm that day compared to some of our other rides (Twin February 2020, for example).

I think this was my first experience having to do a bunch of classes in one day (I had a few stadium rounds). I wasn’t able to coordinate changing saddles so I just did dressage in my jump saddle, and wore the same coat all day. Yes, I dressed up for practice, too!

Schooling shows are such a fun way to get out and desensitize you and your horse to the stresses of an actual show. Though I still have anxiety attacks about my braids…

Schooling at Woodside September 2019

That helmet kept slipping forward and making it hard to see. RIP velvet helmet!