I found this Bloghop hosted by the $900 Facebook pony and I decided to hop on. In the very least it will be fun to revisit next year! Check out Firefly’s, too!
Favorite show picture:
We went to our first show ever, a dressage show, back in August. It was pretty great and I got some nice photos, but I think my all-time favorite photo is this one of us out on cross country at the Lone Tree Farm Halloween Hunter Pace in October. Can’t hurt that is was a professional photo at that! I am the mad hatter on my Cheshire pony and I made that hat cover for my helmet all by myself!
Favorite non-show picture?
I seriously can’t pick one. See the instagram feed.
Favorite thing you bought
I was trying to remember what of the many things I bought this year was my favorite, and there were so many contenders. I mean, my woofwear pads are pretty awesome. But the trailer that Bow actually fits in so we can actually go places? Priceless.
Favorite moment on horseback.
Turns out Bow and I are a good team! Look at that!
Favorite moment out of the saddle.
I’d post a picture of us playing Equestrians Against Humanity here… if I had one… just sayin….
Favorite”between the ears” picture
I took Bow out on a trail with some of our barn friends and he was great! He is a bit large for some of the bushes and trees we had to go under and around…
Favorite horse book or article
Favorite horse ridden (or groomed/cared for) aside from your own
I don’t care for or ride these two horses, but they are my favorites, other than my own. Left-right: Bow, River and Firefly
Favorite funny picture of your horse
He puts up with me.
Favorite fence that you successfully jumped or movement that you conquered
I conquered so many things this year: Bow’s tendency to bolt, my fears about being a good horse person, taking my horse places, jumping anything, making horse friends. This is the culmination of a whole year of success.
Favorite horse meme or funny picture
Not horse related? Are you sure?